what a show. took me 3 years to finish, went through thick and thin with this show by my side lol. Peggy Olson, Joan Holloway, Betty Draper, Megan Calvet, inspirational women of the time.
被卷进了后现代的大机器里你再也不是人亚洲美女国产精品久久久久久久久只是一个零件身不由己不能跟着转就只能拿钱先垫上然而你卷进去却恰恰是因为缺钱现在已经没有了金矿你却还穿着牛仔裤现在脸上手上指甲缝里没有了黑黢黢的泥可你还是灰头土脸狼狈不堪好像越拼命工作越累得抬不起头越深陷泥潭无法自拔甚至连爱你的家人都眼睁睁的救不了你 somehow you think this only happens in China, but everyone is equal in front of poverty. 以为男主最后会死但没有想想这才更可怕(觉得布莱克更好)