Pearsons真•多子多福这一季最喜欢挖时空胶囊的E14国产无套內谢普通话对白就是你一看主题就猜到编剧要骗眼泪但看到最后还是流下泪水并且对屋子的前后呼应拍手称绝(连bgm都是Jack离世那一集的To Build A Home)两兄弟的对峙看得非常心塞其实我硬是觉得Randall在道德绑架不过Kevin讲的话太毒了Kevin说孩子是他一生挚爱的时候想到寻妈记的Barney和Sophie应该真的没戏了吧虽然我一直站青梅竹马最后一集Adelaide Kane的出现很惊喜呀奇妙的是她和这一季客串的JMo都有演过童话镇
A much loved, shorted-lived life that, despite all of her own struggles and pain, still managed to have touched and comforted many and found love, dreams and some truth in the phony world. “ A heart is not judged by how much you love; but by how much you are loved by others.” The Wizard of Oz